Parliament of India | ভারতের সংসদ | Full Concept of Indian Parliament

Parliament of India


  • Maximum No of members : 550 (530+20)
  • Present Member : 543
  • Term of Lok Sabha : 5 Years
  • Term of the member of Lok Sabha : 5 Years
  • Lok Sabha Presided by : Speaker
  • Minimum Age : 25 years


Total No of members : 250 (238+12)
Present Member : 245 (233+12)
Term of Rajya Sabha : Can not be desolve
Term of the member of Rajya Sabha : 6 Years
Rajya Sabha Presided by : Vice President
Minimum Age : 30 years

About Parliament

Ø Part- V, Art- 79—122

Ø Concept taken from --- U.K.

Ø 1st meeting of the Parliament --- 13th May, 1952.

Ø Every 1st meeting of each session of parliament is joint sitting.

Minimum number of session in parliament is---2. (Maximum gap- can’t be more than 6 month)

Ø Number of session at present ---3

1.              The Budget Session Feb- May.

2.              Monsoon session – July Sept.

3.              Winter session Nov- Dec.

  • Part- V
Art- 79 --- Composition of Parliament.

The Parliament consist of the President, the Lokshabha and the Rajya Shabha.

Art- 80 --- Composition of RajyaShabha (Council of states or upper House or Second Chamber)

RajyaShabha represents the State.

The elected members of RajyaSabha are elected indirectly by elected MLA’s.

12 members are nominated by President from the fields of the country are Arts, Science, Culture, Social Science etc.

   All the States have not been given equal representation in RajyaSabha . It is based on the population of the state.

  Max from UP – 31, WB – 16

RajyaSobha – 245 seats (229 from state + 4 from Union territory + 12 from Nomination)   

· Art- 81 --- Composition of Loksabha.

· Other name --- House of people, Lower House, popular House, First Chamber.

· Loksabha represents the people of India.

· Break up: Total Seats= 552( 530 from state + 20 from Union Territory + 2 Nominated).

· Elected members of Loksabha are elected by the people of India directly on the basis of Universal Adult Franchise.

· 2 members may be nominated to the Loksabha by the President from the Anglo-India community if they are not adequately represented in the Loksabha.

· 545= 530 from State + 13 from Union Territory + 2 Nominated

· Now exact figure is 543.

·         Art- 83 --- Duration

Rajyasabha --- It’s a permanent body. It cannot be dissolved. But 1/3rd of its members retired often every two years . Thus, a member of Rajyasabha enjoys a term of 6 years.

Loksabha --- it’s term is 5 years. It can be extended by Parliament by law during National Emergency for a period of one year at a time.

·         Art- 84 --- Qualification for membership

1)     Citizen of India

2)     At least 25 years of age for Loksabha and 30 years of age for Rajyasabha.

3)     Additional qualification can be prescribed by Parliament by law.

·         Art- 102 --- Disqualification for membership

1)     Not a citizen of India

2)     Hold office of profit under the union or state govt.

3)     In solvency

4)     Of unsound mind

·         Art- 89 --- Chairman and Deputy chairman of Rajyasabha

1)     The Vice President is the ex-officio chairman of Rajyasabha.

2)     Deputy chairman is elected by the members of Rajyasabha among themselves.

·         Art- 93--- Speaker and Deputy Speaker of Loksabha

1)     Speaker and Deputy Speaker are elected by the members of Loksabha by themselves.

2)     They may resign to each other.

·         Art- 99 --- Oath

1)     By the president

·         Art-100 --- Quorum

1/10th of total members of the house.

·         Art- 108 --- Joint sitting of both houses of the Parliament.

1)     The President summon joint sitting of both houses of the Parliament if a deal lock arises as a result of a disagreement between the two houses regarding the passage of a bill.

2)     Joint sitting cannot be summoned for money bill and constitution Amendment Bill.

3)     The Speaker presides over joint sitting. In his absence speaker and in his absence deputy chairman of Rajyasabha.

·         Art-110 --- Money Bill

1)     The money bill can be introduced only in the Loksabha with the prior consent of the President.

2)     Whether a bill is money bill or not, the decision of the Speaker is final.

3)     Rajyasabha can withhold a money bill maximum for 14 days. Thus the Loksabha is more powerful than Rajyasabha  becauseloksabha enjoys the power over the money bill.

·         Art-112 --- Annual Financial Statement (Budget)

1)     It is a Statement of annual expenditure and receipt of the Govt. of India. (Financial year 1st April- 31st March)

2)     It is a money bill.

·         Art-116 --- Vote on Account

1)     The ordinance granted by the Parliament to meet expenditure for a period before passing annual Budget.

·         Zero Hour --- Since 1962 ‘O’ hour is an unspecified time. It is not mentioned in the rules of procedure of Parliament. Within zero hour the members of Parliament can raise matter without any prior notice.

·         Parliamentary Committee: (17th standing committee)

1)     Public Account Committee/PAC:

a)      Total members –22 (15 from Loksabha and 7 from Rajyasabha)

b)     The chairman of this committee is a appointed by the speakers of Loksabha amongst it’s members from opposition.

c)      No minister can be a member of this committee.

d)     Function --- PAC examines the Annual Audit Report of CAG.

2)     Establishment committee: (largest parliamentary committee)

a)      Total members – 30 (all from Loksabha)

b)     Chairman is appointed by the speaker.

c)      Function – to examine the estimates included in the budget.

3)     Committee on public undertakings:

a)      Total members – 22 (15 from Loksabha and 7 from Rajyasabha)

b)     Chairman – same as previous.

c)      To examine the reports and the accounts of Public undertakings.

4)     BusinessAdvisory Committee:

a)      Loksabha committee consists of – 15 member

Chairman – Speaker himself.

b)     Rajyasabha consists of – 11 members

Chairman – Vice President.

5)     Largest Opposition Party:

Party having not less than 1/10th seats of the total strength of the home.

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